First Communion

First Communion

Discover Communion! is a  course for children from years 3 – 6 that offers a safe and imaginative space to ask and explore questions surrounding Communion, Church, and the Christian faith. This course is for children who are interested in learning more about these topics, would like to receive Communion for the first time, or who already receive Communion but aren’t quite sure why! 

Led by Revd. Liz, there will be an hour of discussion-based learning, encouraging creativity, imagination, and the courage to seek a personal understanding of what ‘Communion’ or ‘the bread and wine’ means in the context of the Church of England. These sessions are open to all children of all abilities and disabilities and regardless of prior faith experience. Our First Communion service will be on May 19th, 2024 at 10am. 

To book the course, see below.

May God continue to help us to be more ourselves in the light of each other, the whole Body of Christ. Amen.