St Barnabas

St Barnabas

We are a large and diverse group of people at different stages in our Christian pilgrimage. We embrace a range of worship styles and we trust that you will find something which nourishes you. We are engaged both in developing our spiritual life together and in using our gifts and skills to support our community, both within the Church and outside it.

At the heart of the life of the Church is the belief that God is not remote but present and caring. We are discovering that Jesus Christ is not just a character from history and that when we put Jesus at the centre of our lives the world begins to make sense. We continue to learn together how to live with respect for creation, to love God, to love and serve others, to seek justice and to resist evil.

St Barnabas’ church building is new, rebuilt in 1996, after the fire in 1992 which destroyed the original Victorian building.

Music is at the centre of our worship. Our Parish Choir, led by our Director of Music, Christopher Woodward, sings a wide range of repertoire each Sunday.

Children’s groups and crèche are available for our Sunday morning service.

Sunday Services at St Barnabas

Our calendar will show the immediate services that are happening as well as special festival services, so please check that first, but these are our regular patterns of services.

10.00am Sung Parish Communion with children’s & youth groups (Family Communion on the first Sunday of the month, sung by Dulwich Children’s Choir)

15.30 Messy Church in St Barnabas Parish Hall (Third Sunday of the month)

6.30pm Evensong (First Sunday of the month)

Weekday Services at St Barnabas

Our calendar will show the immediate services that are happening as well as special festival services, so please check that first, but these are our regular patterns of services.

9.00am Morning Prayer – Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday

9.30am Toddlers & PlayTime! – Fridays 

10.30am Holy Communion – Wednesday