

Children & Youth

Playtime! for Toddlers

Carers and Under 5s meet to play and sing on Friday mornings. Please click through to the Playtime! page to learn more about what to expect and how to book.

Children Sunday Groups

Children’s Sunday Groups on second and fourth Sundays during the 10am service at St Barnabas.

Dulwich Children’s Choir

Dulwich Children’s Choir is for children in years 2–7. Choristers rehearse once weekly and join our adult choir on the first Sunday of the month to lead worship.

Dulwich Youth Choir

Dulwich Youth Choir is for students in years 8–13. Choristers rehearse once weekly and have opportunities to perform during worship and in the community.

Ukrainian Youth Group

An informal group for Ukrainian youth aged 11-18. Come for games, pizza, and friends. Meets on the first and third Wednesdays during term time.

First Communion

A four-session course for children in years 2–6 who are interested in learning more about faith and wish to take communion for the first time.


St Barnabas Choir

Our adult choir leads our singing during 10am worship on Sundays and rehearses on Fridays. Please click through to learn more about singing with us!

Friends for Lunch

Friends for Lunch is a light lunch hosted by St Barnabas in partnership with LinkAge Southwark. It is on the last Wednesday of each month from 12-2pm. Please book by emailing

Meet Up

Meet Up is a weekly event supporting asylum-seekers in our neighborhood. Please click through to learn more about how you can get involved – donations always needed!



Gardening Team

St Barnabas’s gardening team keeps our property beautiful and healthy! Join the team on the second Saturday of the month for a morning of gardening together.

Home Group

Home Group meets for fortnightly Bible study and fellowship on Wednesdays.

Thinking and Talking

Thinking and Talking meets on the third Sunday of every month.

Men’s Group

Men’s Group meets monthly on Tuesday evenings. The group organises interesting talks and events (such as our annual Burns Night extravaganza). Email Andrew Gould to find out more (

Women’s Bible Study

Meets on Fridays for coffee, fellowship, and Bible study.

To ask questions about any of the above groups or learn more details about attending, please email