Christmas 2021
Sunday 28th November, 10am Christingle Celebration and Family Communion
Sunday 28th November 6.30pm Advent Carol service
Thursday 16th December 8pm Silent Night
Saturday 18th December 7pm The Manchester Carols
Tuesday 21st December 8pm A celebration of Nine Lessons and Carols
Thursday 23rd December 3-5pm Messy Christmas!
Friday 24th December 3.45on Follow camels and donkeys to the Crib
Friday 24th December 11.3opm Midnight Communion by candlelight
Saturday 25th December 10am All age Festive Communion
Sunday 28th November, 10am
Christingle Celebration and Family Communion
Join us for oranges, sweet, singing & more to mark the beginning of Advent. All ages are welcome. No need to book.
Sung by Dulwich Children’s Choir
Sunday 28th November 6.30pm
Advent Carol service
Our advent carol service begins in darkness with a single candle flame being passed from person to person to create a beacon of light: the promise of the hope, overcoming all darkness. No need to book, just turn up.
Music by MacMillan, Weir and Wood
Sung by the Choir of St Barnabas Dulwich
Thursday 16th December 8pm
Silent night
A short reflective services for those who find this season difficult due to loss or bereavement
Saturday 18th December 7pm
The Manchester Carols
A concert performance of Christmas Carols (written in 2007 by the Poet Laureate, Carol Anne Duffy and the composer Sasha Johnson Manning) which tells the Christmas story for the 21st century. Professional narration by Robert Glenister. These carols are for everybody, the believer and the non-believer, people of all faiths and everyone wishing to join the Christmas celebrations. This is a ticketed event – book here
Sung by the Choir of St Barnabas Dulwich and Dulwich Children’s Choir, accompanied by a professional orchestra
Tuesday 21st December 8pm
A celebration of Nine Lessons and Carols
Perhaps the most famous of all carol services, the Christmas Story is told through carols and scripture. Join us to sing the great congregational carols, accompanied by organ and the Tyburn Brass ensemble with sublime choral music by Sally Beamish, Warlock, Pearsall, Mendelssohn and Stopford. No need to book, just turn up.
Sung by the Choir of St Barnabas Dulwich, with the Tyburn Brass Ensemble
Thursday 23rd December 3-5pm
Messy Christmas! @St Barnabas Parish Hall
Children’s Christmas crafts, baking, science experiments and gift making. Perform a Nativity Play from scratch and then enjoy hot chocolate and mince pies. All ages, all stages! Please book online for this event
Christmas Eve Friday 24th December 3.45pm
Follow Camels & Donkey to the Crib
Join us all in Dulwich Village to follow the real life animals to the Church Carol-singing led by Dulwich Children’s Choir and brass quintet. Wrap up warm and dress as your favourite nativity character to join the procession. No need to book. Assemble in Dulwich Village at 3.30pm
Friday 24th December 11.30pm
Midnight Communion by candlelight
O come, let us adore him. Celebrate with us as we welcome the Christ-child into our midst this Christmas Night. No need to book
Sung by the Choir of St Barnabas Dulwich
Saturday 25th December 10am Christmas Day
All Age Festive Communion
Christ is born! A fifty minute service for all ages to mark the coming of the infant Christ into the world. We celebrate this special day through music, crackers and sparklers. No need to book
Sung by the choir of St Barnabas and Dulwich Children’s Choir